Code of Conduct (Adfærdsregler)

Code of Conduct ⚖

The Code of Conduct is an ethical set of rules that senior players are expected to live up to during training, matches, and social interaction in Gentofte Hockey Club.

1. As an active senior member (player) in Gentofte Hockey Club, you are as a representative of the club obliged to show decent behavior during training and matches. Decent behavior includes showing respect for the club’s management, the coach, teammates, the opponent, officials, and the like.

2. The coach is always right during training and matches.

      3. Only the captain may address the referee during the match.

      4. During the match, the referee is always right.

      5. The player should strive to show up for training on the respective days and at the set time.

      6. The player should strive to show engagement during training and matches.

      7. The player should strive to be a good teammate on and off the field.

        Gross violation of the Code of Conduct can lead to a warning, reduced playing time, match suspension, suspension, and in extreme cases, exclusion.

        The decision in such cases is made by the club’s management (board and player committee).

        Adfærdsregler ⚖

        Code of Conduct er et etisk regelsæt som seniorspillere forventes at leve op til under træning, kamp og ved social omgang i Gentofte Hockey Klub.

        1. Som aktivt seniormedlem (spiller) i Gentofte Hockey Klub er man som repræsentant for klubben forpligtet til at udvise anstændig adfærd under træning og kamp. Anstændig adfærd omfatter udvisning af respekt over for klubbens ledelse, træneren, medspillere, modstanderen, officials og lignende.

        2. Træneren har altid ret under træning og kamp.

        3. Kun anføreren må henvende sig til dommeren under kamp.

        4. Under kamp har dommeren altid ret.

        5. Spilleren skal tilstræbe at møde op til træning på de pågældende dage og til det fastsatte tidspunkt.

        6. Spilleren skal tilstræbe at udvise af engagement under træning og kamp.

        7. Spilleren skal tilstræbe at være en god holdkammerat på og udenfor banen.

        Grov tilsidesættelse af Code of Conduct kan føre til advarsel, reduceret spilletid, spillekarantæne, suspendering, og i yderste tilfælde eksklusion.

        Afgørelsen i sådanne sager træffes af klubbens ledelse (bestyrelse og spilleudvalg).